A VascuLyse® treatment involves a machine that conducts a non-invasive electrical current to the treated area to remove the undesired condition by stopping blood supply to the site. With no blood flow, the admissible parts will detach from the body and a new healthy skin is encouraged to grow. VascuLyse® has very few potential side effects with negligible probability; it is also sterile and quick. Final results are usually achieved as quickly as 3 days to 7 days, where recovery occurs quicker when treatment is done on the face. Most common conditions such as cholesterol deposits, broken capillaries, skin tags, and milia could usually be treated within one visit effectively. The treatment itself is very quick and can be done within a half hour (consultation and treatment) with minimum pain, although some patients might also opt in on getting numbing cream before the procedure.
The Benefits
Small capillary vessels are responsible for cell nutrition. Their impairment can affect the appearance and function of the skin. During Vasculyse 2G RF treatments, the blood into the damaged vessels is coagulated. In time, new healthy capillaries will regenerate, cell nutrition will resume, and the appearance of the skin greatly improves.
The Safety
During treatment, the probe simply touches the skin surface, following the dilated capillary. Vascular blemishes disappear on contact.
How Vascu Lyse 2G RF Works?
Vasculyse 2G RF thermocoagulation is a product of recent innovations in the field of electronics. It produces perfectly targeted “heat energy” resulting in a thermal lesion. Heat is generated in the capillary vessels resulting in the instant disappearance of blemishes. After treatment tiny temporary scabs may appear to regenerate treated area.
Metal in the treatment area
Pregnancy or lactating
Viral hepatitis
Keloid scars
Any medical condition that delays healing
Infectious acne
Cold sore in the area
Uncontrolled diabetes
Blood thinner drugs
Open sores in the area